Key Concepts and Architecture
Jio Commerce Platform architecture, components & properties follows best of industry principles of design, system engineering and delivery for interoperability and scale
Platform Architecture Tenets
The proposed tenets combine the best of interdisciplinary practices from design, system engineering and delivery.
Design Driven
Work backward from the end-user experience to define the systems of interaction. Hold a high bar on this. Design to be self-serve and intuitive for mass adoption
Micro-services & API First
Build applications as a collection of loosely coupled services that interact using APIs. Design APIs before the building the application
Open Source
Build using proven cloud compatible open source technologies. Contribute back whenever possible
Continuous Delivery & Improvement
Release product improvements in automated short cycles. Implement strong instrumentation on systems, user interactions to monitor improvement of release
Developer Adoptable
Easily available documentation, build reusable components/SDKs for wider community adoption
Secure application, data and infrastructure
Scalable & Reliable
Ensure 99.999% availability. Cloud native build without vendor lock-in